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Veja 3 benefícios da semente de abóbora


Veja 3 benefícios da semente de abóbora

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Bowl with green pumpkin seeds close-up on a wooden rustic table. Selective focus

Veja 3 benefícios da semente de abóbora

Confira como incluir a semente na rotina

Leia a reportagem completa:

Raw Organic Pumpkin Pepita Seeds in a Bowl
Raw Organic Pumpkin Pepita Seeds in a Bowl

Por que comer

Embora alguns acreditem que as sementes sirvam apenas como comida para pássaros, há muitos motivos para que esse grupo faça parte do seu cardápio. Confira as vantagens da semente de abóbora.

A flat lay photo of roasted pumpkin seeds on a wooden spoon and on a table.
A flat lay photo of roasted pumpkin seeds on a wooden spoon and on a table.

1- Benefícios cardiovasculares

Além de toda a riqueza da abóbora, seja do tipo moranga ou a pescoço, sua semente oferece gorduras benéficas que despontam em estudos como guardiãs cardiovasculares.

Eye examination. Doctor checking eyes for reaction to light, dilation of the pupil during a FAST test. Light sensitivity, Laser eye surgery.
Eye examination. Doctor checking eyes for reaction to light, dilation of the pupil during a FAST test. Light sensitivity, Laser eye surgery.

2- Parceira dos olhos

A semente de abóbora contém carotenoides que conferem a cor esverdeada e têm efeito antioxidante, favorecendo a saúde ocular.

Weightlifting, injury and elbow pain, woman and red glow for muscle tension and fitness on white background. Exercise, athlete and anatomy overlay with inflammation, bone or x ray with dumbbell.
Weightlifting, injury and elbow pain, woman and red glow for muscle tension and fitness on white background. Exercise, athlete and anatomy overlay with inflammation, bone or x ray with dumbbell.

3- Ossos fortes

A semente de abóbora ainda apresenta minerais como o magnésio, fundamental ao esqueleto.

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plate; raw food; slice of food; pumpkin; food; freshness; vegetable; healthy eating; organic; no people; vegetarian food; ingredient; meal; autumn; close-up; ripe; food and drink; healthy lifestyle; nature; season; ready-to-eat; seed; orange color; lifestyles; homemade; dieting; yellow; vegan food; cutting; kitchen; art; chopped food; gourmet; preparation; vibrant color; pumpkin seed; sweet food; dietary fiber; simplicity; fiber; raw food diet; agriculture; closeup; healthy; wood; orange

Versatilidade no consumo

Essa semente faz sucesso como petisco, tostada e temperada. Triturada, enriquece massas de pães e panquecas, por exemplo.

Unpeeled pumpkin seeds in wooden spoon . Top view. High quality photo
Unpeeled pumpkin seeds in wooden spoon . Top view. High quality photo

Com casca ou sem?

Há quem prefira saborear com a casca, que é bastante fibrosa, mas muita gente a dispensa.

Peeled pumpkin seeds in a wooden bowl on a light background.
Peeled pumpkin seeds in a wooden bowl on a light background.

Quantidade ideal

De acordo com reportagem publicada pelo Paladar, o ideal é consumir 30 gramas dessa semente por dia.

Veja receitas:

Pudding de chia et coulis de figues à la menthe
Pudding de chia et coulis de figues à la menthe

Confira por que incluir a chia e a linhaça no dia a dia:

Leia a reportagem:

Fonte: Externa

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